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Zeng Law Group, PLLC



H-1B 首次抽签申请能不能在 10 月 1 号之前转到其他的雇主?答案是可以的。几率是多少?50% 及其以上。那么怎么做?我们今天给大家说一个成功的案例。

我们的这个客户是在今年 4 月递交的申请,然后他在 7 月就获得了批准。批准之后,不幸的是,这家公司在 8 月的时候就面临倒闭的风险。客户就联系我们说:“怎么办?我熬不到 10 月 1 号了,拿不到第一个 paystub。”

通常情况下,你需要在 10 月 1 号之后拿到第 1 个或者第 2 个 paystub,再转雇主的话,相当于 H-1B 激活了,再转雇主是没有问题的。但是客户的情况非常紧急,公司马上面临倒闭。在这个情况下,我们在今年 9 月 26 号递交了转换雇主的申请,客户在 10 月 1 号之前就获得了批准,新雇主的开始时间是 10 月 1 号。

怎么做是非常重要的。在他的整个申请里面,我们做的最重要的事情是通过法条向移民局解释。如果一个人的申请已经抽中并且获得批准,这个人可以根据移民法合法地在 10 月 1 号之前转到下一个雇主,不需要等到 H-1B 激活。我们找到了相关法条,并告知了移民局,移民局也认同了这一点。最后,这个案子顺利获得批准。

如果你有 H-1B 的问题,可以找我聊聊。关注纽约曾晖律师,不再无计可施!拜拜!

Hello everyone,

Can an initial H-1B application be transferred to another employer before October 1st? The answer is yes. What’s the chance? 50% or higher. How to do it? Today, we’ll share a successful case.

This client submitted their initial H-1B application in April this year, and the case was approved in July. However, after approval, the company unfortunately faced the risk of closure in August. The client contacted us asking, "What should I do? I can’t wait until October 1st, and I can’t get the first paystub."

Normally, you need to get one or two paystubs after October 1st before transferring to another employer. This means the H-1B is considered activated, and transferring to another employer afterward is not an issue. However, in the client’s case, time was critical, and the company was about to close. In this situation, we submitted a transfer application for the client on September 26 this year. The transfer application was approved before October 1st, and the new employer's start date was set for October 1st.

How to do it is very important. In the entire application, the most crucial thing we did was explain to USCIS through legal regulations. If a person’s H-1B application has already been selected by the lottery and approved, this person can legally transfer to another employer before October 1st without needing to wait for H-1B activation. We found the relevant regulation, informed USCIS, and USCIS accepted it. Finally, the case was approved.

If you have H-1B questions, feel free to talk with me. Follow Attorney Hui Zeng! No more being left without options! Bye-bye!


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